3 min read

Hava Self Hosted (V2.1.522) is Generally Available

December 6, 2022

Hava Self Hosted V2-1-522

Team Hava is pleased to announce that version 2.1.522 containing a significant number of new features as well as security and performance enhancements is now generally available.

This version brings the self-hosted deployment into line with all the recent additions and enhancements now live in the SaaS version of Hava.

Depending on when you last updated you may be missing some new features and capabilities included in the current version - including:

Azure diagram layout updates

Google Pub/Sub topic subscription diagrams

AWS EKS Cluster Diagrams

Security View Enhancements Including segmented multi VPC support and protocols

GKE Diagrams & GCP Diagram updates including VPN Tunnels, Routes, Firewalls...

Stand alone Kubernetes Cluster diagrams

SSO Support

Azure Security Diagrams

On top of these new diagrams and enhancements, this upgrade includes support for a whole host of additional resources, regions, connections, performance and security improvements.

What's included in this update? 



  • Security: Updated base OS for docker images to Ubuntu

  • Security: Updated web server and worker versions to remove reported vulnerabilities from security advisories

  • Viewer: Improved display of AWS security diagrams when using the search function

  • Viewer: Display connections between AWS CloudFront Distributions, AWS Route53, and AWS Network Load Balancers in the infrastructure view

  • Viewer: Improve AWS CloudFront, AWS Route53, AWS Network Load Balancer, AWS Application Load Balancer, AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda connections and attributes

  • API: Added support for base64 encoded credentials file for GCP

  • Search: Search speeds considerably improved :race_car:

  • Import: Added ap-northeast-3, me-central-1, us-central-2 and eu-south-2 regions for AWS

  • Import: Added support for importing and displaying AWS SNS resources, including their connections to Lambda and SQS

  • Email: Add account switch help to invite emails to assist with adding new users

  • Workers: Weekly automatic updates of AWS pricing data

  • Workers: Queue performance improvements

  • Bug fix: Handle invalid encoding in some GCP resource data

  • Bug fix: Better handling of Azure pricing imports

  • Bug fix: Deleting a team with invited users will now revoke the invite

  • Bug fix: Handle issues when more than one user attempt to share the same environment concurrently

You can find upgrade instructions in our development documentation for Kubernetes and VM self-hosted environments.

We recommend upgrading at your earliest convenience to get the most out of your self-hosted deployment.


Team Hava.


Team Hava

Written by Team Hava

The Hava content team
