3 min read

Strategies to Reduce Cloud Architectural Drift and Maintain Security

Aug 7, 2023 6:00:00 AM


Cloud architectural drift, the divergence between the actual state of a cloud environment and its intended configuration, poses significant challenges to cloud security. It can lead to unauthorized changes, security vulnerabilities, and operational inefficiencies. Therefore, implementing strategies to minimize infrastructure resource drift is crucial for maintaining cloud security.

Firstly, adopting Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a key strategy. IaC allows the infrastructure to be defined and managed as code, providing a consistent reference point for the desired state of the environment. Regularly running IaC scripts can automatically revert any unauthorized changes, effectively minimizing drift.

Secondly, implementing strict access controls can prevent unauthorized changes that lead to drift. By limiting who can make changes to the cloud environment and requiring approval for changes, organizations can maintain tighter control over their infrastructure.

Thirdly, regular auditing of the cloud environment is essential. Audits can identify changes that have occurred, allowing for the detection and remediation of drift. Tools that provide real-time visibility into the state of the infrastructure can be particularly useful for this purpose.

Additionally, fostering a culture of collaboration and transparency among development teams can help minimize drift. When teams understand the current state of the infrastructure and collaborate on changes, the risk of conflicting changes leading to drift is reduced.

Finally, continuous learning and improvement should be encouraged. As cloud environments and best practices evolve, strategies to minimize drift should be regularly reviewed and updated.

In conclusion, minimizing infrastructure drift is crucial for maintaining cloud security. By adopting IaC, implementing strict access controls, regularly auditing the environment, fostering collaboration, and encouraging continuous improvement, organizations can effectively manage drift and maintain a secure and efficient cloud environment.

The transparency provided by the diagrams automatically generated by Hava goes a long way to covering the points around collaboration and observability needed to give your entire organisation a better understanding of your running cloud architecture so they have a better chance of minimising or eliminating architectural drift.

The version comparison functionality in Hava allows you to easily identify the changes between any two dates where you have had your cloud account connected to Hava. Every change in your architecture is recorded and new diagrams automatically created. This means you can compare current architecture with what was running yesterday, last week or last year. Which is incredibly useful for tracking down changes during an incident response or comparing cloud architecture between audits.

Topics: aws azure gcp
Team Hava

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