3 min read

Automating Client Documentation: A Look at Hava's Interactive Diagrams

Jun 7, 2023 5:00:00 AM


The realm of Cloud Managed Service Providers (MSPs) is one that thrives on effective communication and impeccable documentation. With Hava.io, an innovative cloud infrastructure visualization tool, MSPs can streamline their processes like never before.

Hava.io stands out with its ability to generate dynamic, interactive diagrams for every virtual network. Gone are the days of laborious manual documentation. Now, MSPs can focus their energies on value-added services while Hava.io handles the intricacies of client documentation.

How does it work? Hava.io connects to cloud accounts across industry-leading platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, automatically scanning and creating a visual replica of the cloud configuration. This automated diagram generation propels MSPs into an era of precision and efficiency.

However, Hava.io's pioneering features don't end with real-time updates. It has the unique capability to maintain a version history of superseded diagrams, which allows MSPs to monitor infrastructure changes over time. This ensures that every change, planned or unexpected, is documented and communicated to clients in a transparent manner.

One of Hava.io's standout features is its architectural monitoring function. It sends proactive alerts or 'Diff diagrams' to MSPs, helping them keep a vigilant eye on infrastructure changes. This feature reduces the chances of unnoticed modifications and helps avoid sudden, unexplained cost increases.

Moreover, Hava.io comes with a deep search function that simplifies resource management across multiple cloud accounts. MSPs can locate specific resources using a single command, a testament to Hava.io's commitment to simplifying cloud environment management.

To conclude, Hava.io is not just a tool; it's an all-inclusive solution that automates, streamlines, and enhances MSP-client interactions. By leveraging Hava.io, MSPs can navigate the world of cloud infrastructures with unprecedented ease and accuracy.

You can read more about the advantages of Hava for MSPs in this post.



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Team Hava

Written by Team Hava

The Hava content team
